February may be the shortest month but it often feels like the longest. Those dark days when it feels like winter is never going to end, when your skin has lost all memory of what the warm sun feels like on it.
You have to find your February fun where you can. Fortunately, this year Shrove Tuesday falls right in the middle of the month on 16th February - and we've come up with a pancake promotion definitely worth giving a toss about!
We love the whole Pancake Day rigmarole - making the batter, prepping the toppings, getting the pan up to thermonuclear temperature, finally nailing the perfect toss at the 12th time of asking.
As for the old sweet vs savoury question, we're very much on the sweet side of things. So we've selected a couple of superstar drinks to elevate your pancakes higher than the one that gets stuck to the kitchen ceiling every year. And we're taking 10% off the price of both from Monday 9th to Tuesday 16th February.
It's hard to beat the classic sprinkle of sugar and squeeze of citrus. That description sums up this luscious dessert wine rather well too. It starts out with layers of honeyed stone fruit and marmalade, but the finish comes through with a zinging shard of lemon-fresh acidity. All you need to turn the humblest pancake into a gourmet dish.
Offer price: £10.79 (50cl)
Here's something delicious to go in, on or with your pancakes. It's a zesty Italian orange liqueur that's great as flambé fuel for crêpes suzette, or added to fizz for a sip-while-you-flip cocktail. Or you could just keep things simple and drink over ice with the finished article.
Offer price: £38.25
Have a flipping great Pancake Day, everyone. And roll on Spring!
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